30 January 2011

"Pushing us into self destruction, they make me dream your dreams. They make me scream your screams"

"Five British citizens were arrested on January 27 in the anti-WikiLeaks government probe, and the U.S. government issued 40 search warrants the same day in a related move. The Britisharrests all involved young men aged 15 to 26. ABC News reported that many of the U.S. searches were 'conducted in the San Francisco Bay area and the Boston area as part of an ongoing investigation that involved 26 FBI field offices executing search warrants.'
Frequent cyber-attacks against WikiLeaks — which have shut down the site off-and-on for months — have received no proportionate prosecutorial attention from U.S. or British officials, presumably because the attacks against WikiLeaks are assumed to come from U.S. government military computers as a different type of payback."
Hypocritical government is hypocritical. But this is a bit worrying. I would not be surprised if investigations and search warrants start being issued on those who have just openly showed support for WikiLeaks and Anonymous in some cases. But that's just fucked up, now isn't it?

"Arab League sets revolutions timetable - Egypt #Jan25, Sudan #Jan30, Syria#Feb5, Algeria #Feb12, Libya chooses#Feb30 ;)"
Now whether this is actually true, I don't know. But from as far as I can tell, could should be changed to will.

"American proponents of government secrecy are calling for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be assassinated or imprisoned, even if it means creating a new law to do it. And that is exactly what anti-WikiLeaks activists in the federal government are working on right now. People calling for the prosecution of Assange and WikiLeaks — mostly Western officials, government apologists, and media talking heads — have generally advocated indictments for conspiracy and even espionage. A few, who may not have realized Assange was an Australian national, actually called for charges of treason. Former House Speaker and establishment Republican Newt Gingrich wants him classified as an “enemy combatant.” Others called for outright extrajudicial murder."
First, I thought we'd already established that there wasn't any found connection between Manning and Assange, so conspiracy wouldn't quite work. And there's always this. I find it a bit ironic though that US officials can openly say that they think Assange should be killed without any evidence of any wrongdoing, yet if I were to say that I think Obama should be assassinated, I'd have the FBI knocking on my door. Like last year, when a man was arrested for writing in a poem that he thinks Obama should be assassinated. The judicial system seems to run one way, with those who are paying for everything the government does being the ones that are locked away, while the ones taking taxpayers money and throwing it away walk free. I'm not saying anyone should be killed or arrested, I'm just saying that we need justice. And we need it fast.

1. Get online using the Noor Group's Network
2. Use dial-up with modems or with mobile phones
3. Use ham radio
01] Nour DSL is still working in Egypt, Dial up with 0777 7776 or 07777 666
 02] IP addresses for social media: pass on to people in #Egypt: Twitter: Facebook:
 03] How to circumvent the communications blackout in #Egypt http://slink.us?lr Arabic
 04] #hamradio frequencies for #egypt http://slink.us?ls PLEASE SPREAD IRC: http://slink.us?lt
 05] Ham Radio Software software for PC, Mac and Linux http://www.hamsphere.com Communicate w/ #egypt
 06] TOR Bridge 04FD6AE46E95F1E46B5264528C48EA84DB10CAC4
 07] There is an Old DSL Dialup 24564600
 08] Send SMS reports to +1 949 209 7559 and they will retweet for you. Please spread to those in #Egypt on battlefield
 09] #Egypt hams are on 7.050-7.200 MHz LSB
 10] Egypt Gov only blocking by DNS. So for Twitter try Facebook Proxy
 11] VPN Server http://texnomic.com/url/2L is now stable and open for FREE to ALL
 12] Help the Egypt Revolutionaries by overcoming the Firewall https://www.accessnow.org/proxy-cloud
 13] 0m band, 7.050-7.20 0 MHz LSB, 318.5 degrees (northwest /north from cairo) Ham Radio Operators
 14] We are now providing dialup modem service at +46850009990. user/pass: telecomix/telecomix (only for #egypt, respect that PLEASE!).
 15] People of Egypt ONLY! Use this dial-up provided by friends in France to go online: +33172890150 (login 'toto' password 'toto')
 16] FREE VPN Server to bypass ANY Blockage on ANY ADSL or Cell Network. Domain: Cloud.Texnomic.com User: FreeEgypt Pass: #Jan25
 17] Third party apps: Tweetdeck http://www.tweetdeck.com/ & Hootsuite http://hootsuite.com/ still work for updating Twitter
 18] I2P anonymizing network http://www.i2p2.de/19] RetroShare: secure communications with friends http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/
20] Follow @AnonymousRx

WikiLeaks Video Project (Join at your own risk.)
"Down With Mubarak"
Whoever you are, you are a fucking hero.

The internet can fight. The internet does not forgive. The internet does not forget.

26 January 2011

"Fear is the foundation of most governments."

LYON, France – INTERPOL can confirm that its National Central Bureau (NCB) in Tunis has issued a global alert via INTERPOL's international network to seek the location and arrest of former Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and six of his relatives.

As stated by Tunisian authorities in media reports today, Mr Ben Ali and some of his family members are wanted in Tunisia on charges of alleged property theft and the illegal transfer of foreign currency.

The alert, known as an INTERPOL diffusion, contains the names and other data of wanted individuals. It was sent directly by NCB Tunis via INTERPOL's I-24/7 secure police communications network to all other 187 member countries. Unlike INTERPOL's Red Notices for internationally-wanted persons, which are issued at the request of member countries by INTERPOL’s General Secretariat headquarters in Lyon, a diffusion is sent directly by an INTERPOL NCB without the involvement of the General Secretariat.

In its diffusion, NCB Tunis requests INTERPOL member countries to search, locate and provisionally arrest Mr Ali and his relatives with a view to their extradition to Tunis. If and when the individuals are located, Tunisian authorities will forward any formal request for extradition via diplomatic channels.

INTERPOL does not send officials to carry out arrests; these are made by national law enforcement officials in line with their national laws.

Any further enquiries relating to Tunisia’s diffusion for the seven individuals and to their wanted status should be directed to the Tunisian authorities.

about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
Retweeted by 1 person

"2140 GMT: Mahmoud Saad, the host of the popular TV show Masr El-Naharda (Egypt Today) has announced that he will no longer appear starting tonight after he came under pressure from top government officials to report "untruths" about the protests, describing demonstrators as rioters "destroying the country".


24 January 2011

"Let's break the windowpanes and separate the walls from all the nails. And maybe if we're loud we'll stay alive while everybody wants to join the fight. And even if we barricade the door, and seal it with the blood found on the floor we're always going to cross the finish line while everybody wants to run and hide. But now it's too late."

Operation Mahatma Letter:

We have to be the change we wish to see in this world, and hence I had myself to take some time off from the heavens and write this piece to you.

Dear friend Obama,
The world today is going through a phase where it is no more between the good v/s the bad; it’s not between the evil v/s the divinity and clearly it is no more between us v/s them. Today it has become us v/s us. Those we are fighting against are our own and those who we are losing in war are also our own. And we have only ourselves to blame for such situation, because we have somehow allowed the bad, the devil, the wrong, the dictatorship, the injustice, the inequality, the ambition, the censor, the darkness to enter our system. This has divided us in two and we all have become part of a war which can have only one result.

I understand it is hard for you to you to get yourself out of this situation but it’s not impossible either. But you are making the road more tough for yourself by putting curbs on fearless people who have no personal stakes in all this yet they are ready to sacrifice whatever they have only for the sake of truth. These whistleblowers, these fighters for truth are your last hope and they are mine too. You can never win this war by turning your eyes closed to the truth. Truth is the only weapon that all the human beings ever had and will ever have in their fight against the bad in any age. And hence you must not hide yourself from the truth. These whistleblowers, these soldiers of truth have nothing to gain, they do not demand anything more than just acceptance and you must accept what the truth is, no matter how distasteful it is, because only then you can rectify it. I can see many things sitting in heavens which you can never see and trust me when I say this “there is no other way other than to accept the truth”. You can only choose the time when you accept the truth; the sooner, the better it would be for humanity. These whistleblowers are humanity’s last hopes, and although they don’t need your support, on the contrary you need their support yet, you must support them.
I could have directly come to your dreams and communicated this to you but the reason I chose common people to convey my message to you is because as you yourself said this 3 years back and I hope you remembers this “real results will not just come from Washington, they will come from the people”.
This may be the last opportunity that history and humanity has given you, And you must not let it go.
With all the good wishes of peace

M K Gandhi
Om Shanti !!

There are protests planned for tomorrow in Egypt. #jan25 hashtag for supporters on Twitter. Hopefully a Tunisia-style revolution can occur there too. Minus the deaths. That is something the world does not need any more of.

Thaileaks now exists in Thailand because the Thai government has blocked access to WikiLeaks.

Jane Hamsher was put under unofficial arrest on January 23 while driving David House to visit Bradley Manning in Quantico. Reasons for her arrest have not been officially explained, but it appears to be because she was attempting to deliver a petition to military authorities asking to improve the conditions that Bradley Manning is being held under. They have been released, but are being prevented from visiting Manning. The petition is here if you'd care to sign it. FIRST AMMENDMENT: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, right to assemble, RIGHT TO PETITION. Come on people.

And the US doubts Tunisia 'snowball effect' on Arab neighbors. Really. So you know all these other countries that are now starting to begin fighting for their freedom, that's just unrelated? I feel like it's time for Really With Seth and Amy...

It's all well when all is war, and didn't we read that in Orwell?
We have to be the change we wish to see in this world, and hence I had myself to take some time off from the heavens and write this piece to you.
Dear friend Obama,
The world today is going through a phase where it is no more between the good v/s the bad; it’s not between the evil v/s the divinity and clearly it is no more between us v/s them. Today it has become us v/s us. Those we are fighting against are our own and those who we are losing in war are also our own. And we have only ourselves to blame for such situation, because we have somehow allowed the bad, the devil, the wrong, the dictatorship, the injustice, the inequality, the ambition, the censor, the darkness to enter our system.  This has divided us in two and we all have become part of a war which can have only one result.
I understand it is hard for you to you to get yourself out of this situation but it’s not impossible either. But you are making the road more tough for yourself by putting curbs on fearless people who have no personal stakes in all this yet they are ready to sacrifice whatever they have only for the sake of truth. These whistleblowers, these fighters for truth are your last hope and they are mine too. You can never win this war by turning your eyes closed to the truth. Truth is the only weapon that all the human beings ever had and will ever have in their fight against the bad in any age. And hence you must not hide yourself from the truth. These whistleblowers, these soldiers of truth have nothing to gain, they do not demand anything more than just acceptance and you must accept what the truth is, no matter how distasteful it is, because only then you can rectify it. I can see many things sitting in heavens which you can never see and trust me when I say this “there is no other way other than to accept the truth”. You can only choose the time when you accept the truth; the sooner, the better it would be for humanity. These whistleblowers are humanity’s last hopes, and although they don’t need your support, on the contrary you need their support yet, you must support them.
I could have directly come to your dreams and communicated this to you but the reason I chose common people to convey my message to you is because as you yourself said this 3 years back and I hope you remembers this “real results will not just come from Washington, they will come from the people”.
This may be the last opportunity that history and humanity has given you, And you must not let it go.
With all the good wishes of peace
M K Gandhi
Om Shanti !!

20 January 2011

"For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,"

I've seen 6th, 7th, and 8th, so I have no idea what to believe, but whatever the number, people are setting themselves on fire in Algeria. This has to stop. But the only way that this can stop is freedom. Tunisia is only the beginning. Libya, Venezuela, Algeria. I'm sure there will be more. You woke the beast, now we will feast.

18 January 2011

"All I know is that first, you've got to get mad. You've gotta say, 'I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!' So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!!'"

"I don’t get how someone as smart as you fell in the Assange/wikileaks trap. He’s obviously made up. You think there is someone so powerful as to manage to put secret documents online and governments can’t find a way to shut it down?

There is too much fuss about it. He’s too charismatic. And I didn’t need wikileaks to know the kind of stuff that they revealed. They revealed nothing too shocking or too compromising.

You know what? They build it. They created it. Wikileaks will only help keep the masses undercontrol.

The truth has always been there. In front of us for most to deny it and few to accept it.

I assume you read 1984. Well, don’t you see it? There you have your own government-invented Goldstein, just a bit more attractive, right to be at pace with the contemporary age."

I don't really buy any of this, but it can sort of make you wonder. What if none of this is real. All those celebrities and heroes, what if none of it is real. If you've never seen these people and never met them and never gotten to know them, how do you know if any of it actually exists? It could all just be a lie to keep us happy in our little utopia. Maybe I'm not real.

Facebook wants to know everything about you. Including your phone number and address. Bad idea. Have you been on Facebook recently? A large amount of things is "OMG MILEY CYRUS DID THIS *LINK*" or "Justin Bieber and Blahblahblah *LINK*" from people clicking the link and it being automatically posted. Now what if they have your address and phone number. That'll be fun.

You know what I think is hilarious? Today in school, we all had to sign a contract saying that we wouldn't abuse our usage of school computers. That we wouldn't access the network from other places, that we wouldn't spread or create viruses, that we wouldn't use other people's passwords, and that we would be accepting the fact that they may be logging every single thing we do on those computers. Which has just confirmed my suspicions that they're using keyloggers and that they're becoming afraid. The people have the power. But there's one little loophole. If you're under eighteen, you can't be held to a legal binding contract without parental consent. And nobody's parents signed a thing.

"Two killed in murder/suicide had troubled history", "60 killed in Iraq suicide bombing", "Qayne County soldier killed by Iraqi during exercise", "Mich. cop killed in shootout", "Boy to Dispatchers: I Killed my Family", "Three shot, two killed in Spartanburg", "Police ID man killed in Subway shooting".

Where has all the good news gone?

14 January 2011

"You can bend it and twist it. You can misuse and abuse it. But even God cannot change the truth."

"Túnez" and "Ben Ali" are both trending topics on Twitter. "Unrest in Tunisia" is under the Spotlight Videos on Youtube. The truth is finally getting out.

Tunisian protests were spread to Tunis, the capital, and the government decreed a nighttime curfew. Four people had reportedly been killed there on Wednesday, not counting the over 30 deaths that have occurred in the past few days. Ben Ali has however been driven from power on Friday with Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi taking over all responsibilities for the time being. The people can make a difference. 


From as far as I can tell, this information is accurate. Yet, in these times it can be impossible to know for sure.

Oh, and it is possible that in the near future you could be breaking the law for buying a book. More specifically, Julian Assange's book. 

"Jacob Appelbaum, a security researcher,Tor developer, and volunteer withWikileaks, reported today [JANUARY 12] on his Twitter feed that he was detained, searched, and questioned by the US Customs and Border Patrol agents at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on January 10, upon re-entering the US after a vacation in Iceland."

09 January 2011

Unknown number of people killed in riots in Tunisia, US government trying to get information about twitter accounts connected with WikiLeaks, tear gas still being used even though it can turn to cyanide in the human body, happy January 8th.

Welcome to 1984.

07 January 2011

"Foul deeds will rise,
Though all the earth o'erwhelm them, to men's eyes."



Is it possible that the US is actually starting to take notice?

"Two web activists, Slim Amamou and Azyz Amamy, have not been heard from since Thursday, sources in Tunisia told Al Jazeera." Reporters Without Borders has also reported that at least six (and likely more) activists and bloggers have been arrested or have "disappeared" throughout Tunisia. Rapper Hamada Ben-Amor was also taken from his home late on Thursday in response to a protest song titled "President, your people are dying".

The Department of Justice is reportedly requesting information from Icelandic parliament member Birgitta Jónsdóttir. She said via Twitter "just got this: Twitter has received legal process requesting information regarding your Twitter account in (relation to wikileaks)". The request is clearly for personal information and not just tweets. She apparently has "got 10 days to stop it via legal process before twitter hands it over."

So that expired... 1 year and 10 months ago.

Anonymous "Carepackage"

Contact the White House
"We know that whoever holds the reins, nothing will change. Our cause has gone insane."

Cyber Attacks on Tunisia
Convictions of an Anonymous Legion
Anonymous as You
How to Deal With Tear Gas
Encrypting a USB Drive with TrueCrypt

I still have heard very little about anything that's going on regarding the situation in Tunisia from American news sources. Either they don't care, or they're too busy watching their precious Jersey Shore to take a second and look around. Why people don't care, I don't know.

04 January 2011

This is happening.
This is what people are paying attention to.

And classic books are being censored too. Well we just live in a wonderful, jolly world, now don't we?
"You cannot waterdown us, there are too many of us."

"While the Anonymous self-imposed title of "Legion" may have seemed like little more than a cliché to the casual reader, the data indicate otherwise. And while popular headlines may suggest that "the world is at cyberwar with America" and other enemies of Wikileaks, the data show that a vast number of Americans are on board with Anonymous ideals. As numbers grow, use of the term "Legion" begins to look less like a metaphor than an accurate description."

Let's play the hypothetical game. Let's say that they do find every single person that has been involved in illegal Anonymous operations (although what is considered "illegal" may become a bit sketchy), what are they going to do with all of these people? In mid-December, LOIC downloads topped 43,000 IN ONE WEEK. Now these are probably not all being used in support of Anonymous, but either way that's going to be a lot of people. And there's no possible way to find everybody with proxies, VPNs, and everything that people will use to hide who they are. Supporters keep growing. Anonymous can't be stopped. And if it is, than a new Anonymous will just emerge from it. People will only be oppressed to a certain length before revolt becomes a must.

What Really Happened in Bil'in

This is a disturbing portrayal of a protest in Bil'in. Heavy tear gas (that appeared to be more powerful than normal) and violence at a clearly nonviolent protest. 

03 January 2011

"Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close, and die with your mask on if you've got to"

Tunisia's protest wave: where it comes from and what it means

Tunisian fake Yahoo logins and Facebook hacking for information. Protect yourself. http://strongpasswordgenerator.com/
"#OperationTunisia #sidibouzidanonymous fuck u we will protect Tunisia by our blood الموت للعملاء و الخونه الذي ساعدوا انونمس" (Arabic translates to "Death to the traitors and agents who helped Anonymous"

Tunisian authorities blocked WikiLeaks and other sites that reference it. The Tuniasian government has had a "complete media blackout", by blocking popular sites such as Facebook, Youtube, and Google. Anonymous has already responded by attacking Tunisian government websites and leaving a message on www.pm.gov.tn. Tunileaks.appspot.com has been blocked, along with the Google App Engine IP address, which made appspot.com partially unavailable in the country. Al-Akhbar newspaper, a Lebanese publication, was also on the list of everything blocked after it had published several of the cables from the US Embassy in Tunisia and published them online. "So if you can read this post in Tunisia, it means Tunisian authorities haven’t yet gone on a Firewall frenzy. It means that Tunisian authorities haven’t resorted to putting up a cyber great-wall-of-China to block the world its citizens from getting access to some of its dirty laundry."

Love is our resistance. Love is our weapon. Love is blind. Love is free. Love is a battlefield.

I'm not quite sure how smart an idea it is to post this, but this exists(I didn't make it, or find the info. Merely found the picture): 

02 January 2011

On Saturday, many activists gathered in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv to protest against the death of a Palestinian demonstrator in Bil'in who was killed after being exposed to tear gas. Police were acting violently towards the activists, with eight being arrested, including former Knesset member Musi Raz.The protesters were reportedly blocking off major roads and were acting violent toward the police officers.

In Budapest, Hungary a radio station is currently under investigation for playing a record by rapper Ice-T called "It's On", which violates new media laws. The controversial media laws went into effect on January 1, but The Media Authority has reportedly been monitoring radio stations throughout the country for the past few months. 

Egypt, activism escalates, spurred by Tunisian riots and local violence.

"Sunday, January 02, 2011 1:30 AM
tunisia uprising 
I would like to comment on one point. What is happening in Tunisia right now is an uprising and not a riot.In fact, it is the police which is terrorizing the people. '"
Uprising? Paranoia is in bloom, the PR transmissions will resume. They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down and hope that we should never see the truth around... I could keep going forever...
