30 January 2011

"Pushing us into self destruction, they make me dream your dreams. They make me scream your screams"

"Five British citizens were arrested on January 27 in the anti-WikiLeaks government probe, and the U.S. government issued 40 search warrants the same day in a related move. The Britisharrests all involved young men aged 15 to 26. ABC News reported that many of the U.S. searches were 'conducted in the San Francisco Bay area and the Boston area as part of an ongoing investigation that involved 26 FBI field offices executing search warrants.'
Frequent cyber-attacks against WikiLeaks — which have shut down the site off-and-on for months — have received no proportionate prosecutorial attention from U.S. or British officials, presumably because the attacks against WikiLeaks are assumed to come from U.S. government military computers as a different type of payback."
Hypocritical government is hypocritical. But this is a bit worrying. I would not be surprised if investigations and search warrants start being issued on those who have just openly showed support for WikiLeaks and Anonymous in some cases. But that's just fucked up, now isn't it?

"Arab League sets revolutions timetable - Egypt #Jan25, Sudan #Jan30, Syria#Feb5, Algeria #Feb12, Libya chooses#Feb30 ;)"
Now whether this is actually true, I don't know. But from as far as I can tell, could should be changed to will.

"American proponents of government secrecy are calling for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be assassinated or imprisoned, even if it means creating a new law to do it. And that is exactly what anti-WikiLeaks activists in the federal government are working on right now. People calling for the prosecution of Assange and WikiLeaks — mostly Western officials, government apologists, and media talking heads — have generally advocated indictments for conspiracy and even espionage. A few, who may not have realized Assange was an Australian national, actually called for charges of treason. Former House Speaker and establishment Republican Newt Gingrich wants him classified as an “enemy combatant.” Others called for outright extrajudicial murder."
First, I thought we'd already established that there wasn't any found connection between Manning and Assange, so conspiracy wouldn't quite work. And there's always this. I find it a bit ironic though that US officials can openly say that they think Assange should be killed without any evidence of any wrongdoing, yet if I were to say that I think Obama should be assassinated, I'd have the FBI knocking on my door. Like last year, when a man was arrested for writing in a poem that he thinks Obama should be assassinated. The judicial system seems to run one way, with those who are paying for everything the government does being the ones that are locked away, while the ones taking taxpayers money and throwing it away walk free. I'm not saying anyone should be killed or arrested, I'm just saying that we need justice. And we need it fast.

1. Get online using the Noor Group's Network
2. Use dial-up with modems or with mobile phones
3. Use ham radio
01] Nour DSL is still working in Egypt, Dial up with 0777 7776 or 07777 666
 02] IP addresses for social media: pass on to people in #Egypt: Twitter: Facebook:
 03] How to circumvent the communications blackout in #Egypt http://slink.us?lr Arabic
 04] #hamradio frequencies for #egypt http://slink.us?ls PLEASE SPREAD IRC: http://slink.us?lt
 05] Ham Radio Software software for PC, Mac and Linux http://www.hamsphere.com Communicate w/ #egypt
 06] TOR Bridge 04FD6AE46E95F1E46B5264528C48EA84DB10CAC4
 07] There is an Old DSL Dialup 24564600
 08] Send SMS reports to +1 949 209 7559 and they will retweet for you. Please spread to those in #Egypt on battlefield
 09] #Egypt hams are on 7.050-7.200 MHz LSB
 10] Egypt Gov only blocking by DNS. So for Twitter try Facebook Proxy
 11] VPN Server http://texnomic.com/url/2L is now stable and open for FREE to ALL
 12] Help the Egypt Revolutionaries by overcoming the Firewall https://www.accessnow.org/proxy-cloud
 13] 0m band, 7.050-7.20 0 MHz LSB, 318.5 degrees (northwest /north from cairo) Ham Radio Operators
 14] We are now providing dialup modem service at +46850009990. user/pass: telecomix/telecomix (only for #egypt, respect that PLEASE!).
 15] People of Egypt ONLY! Use this dial-up provided by friends in France to go online: +33172890150 (login 'toto' password 'toto')
 16] FREE VPN Server to bypass ANY Blockage on ANY ADSL or Cell Network. Domain: Cloud.Texnomic.com User: FreeEgypt Pass: #Jan25
 17] Third party apps: Tweetdeck http://www.tweetdeck.com/ & Hootsuite http://hootsuite.com/ still work for updating Twitter
 18] I2P anonymizing network http://www.i2p2.de/19] RetroShare: secure communications with friends http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/
20] Follow @AnonymousRx

WikiLeaks Video Project (Join at your own risk.)
"Down With Mubarak"
Whoever you are, you are a fucking hero.

The internet can fight. The internet does not forgive. The internet does not forget.

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