18 January 2011

"All I know is that first, you've got to get mad. You've gotta say, 'I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!' So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!!'"

"I don’t get how someone as smart as you fell in the Assange/wikileaks trap. He’s obviously made up. You think there is someone so powerful as to manage to put secret documents online and governments can’t find a way to shut it down?

There is too much fuss about it. He’s too charismatic. And I didn’t need wikileaks to know the kind of stuff that they revealed. They revealed nothing too shocking or too compromising.

You know what? They build it. They created it. Wikileaks will only help keep the masses undercontrol.

The truth has always been there. In front of us for most to deny it and few to accept it.

I assume you read 1984. Well, don’t you see it? There you have your own government-invented Goldstein, just a bit more attractive, right to be at pace with the contemporary age."

I don't really buy any of this, but it can sort of make you wonder. What if none of this is real. All those celebrities and heroes, what if none of it is real. If you've never seen these people and never met them and never gotten to know them, how do you know if any of it actually exists? It could all just be a lie to keep us happy in our little utopia. Maybe I'm not real.

Facebook wants to know everything about you. Including your phone number and address. Bad idea. Have you been on Facebook recently? A large amount of things is "OMG MILEY CYRUS DID THIS *LINK*" or "Justin Bieber and Blahblahblah *LINK*" from people clicking the link and it being automatically posted. Now what if they have your address and phone number. That'll be fun.

You know what I think is hilarious? Today in school, we all had to sign a contract saying that we wouldn't abuse our usage of school computers. That we wouldn't access the network from other places, that we wouldn't spread or create viruses, that we wouldn't use other people's passwords, and that we would be accepting the fact that they may be logging every single thing we do on those computers. Which has just confirmed my suspicions that they're using keyloggers and that they're becoming afraid. The people have the power. But there's one little loophole. If you're under eighteen, you can't be held to a legal binding contract without parental consent. And nobody's parents signed a thing.

"Two killed in murder/suicide had troubled history", "60 killed in Iraq suicide bombing", "Qayne County soldier killed by Iraqi during exercise", "Mich. cop killed in shootout", "Boy to Dispatchers: I Killed my Family", "Three shot, two killed in Spartanburg", "Police ID man killed in Subway shooting".

Where has all the good news gone?

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