15 December 2010


The US Air Force has blocked members from accessing websites of the New York Times, the Guardian, and at least 23 other sites that have published some of WikiLeaks' leaked embassy cables. If members of the air force attempt to access any of the websites, the screen will reportedly read, "Access Denied: Internet usage is logged and monitored." So far, the air force is the only military branch to institute this ban, although it is likely that others may follow, and federal employees have been advised to not read any leaked cables.

Also, Mark Zuckerberg has been named the Time Person of the Year for 2010. Even though he placed at number 10 out of 25 in the poll on the Time website. His average rating was a 52, which is 40 behind Julian Assange, who placed number 1 in the poll. Ahead of Zuckerberg was Julian Assange, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Lady Gaga, Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert, Glenn Beck, Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, The Chilean Miners, and the unemployed American.

The Berkeley City Council (Berkeley, CA) has decided to postpone a vote to decide whether to name Bradley Manning a hero. It was reportedly postponed indefinitely because several members of the council were converned about the way that the resolution was written and that it should be investigated more. It has also been said that it was premature to honor Manning as he has not admitted being the source of the leaks.

As of December 15, 15:56 GMT, Wikileaks has been mirrored on 2,194 websites. 1,532 out of 251,287 cables (0.6%) have been released so far.

On an unrelated note, the House of Representatives voted on Wednesday in favor of the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

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