22 December 2010

December 22

I have come up with a theory about governments and WikiLeaks and how it's all connected and stuff. And it all connects to the Bowling For Soup song, "High School Never Ends." While listening to this song rather late at night, I came up with this.
Governments are like high schools. The only thing that keeps everyone from completely losing it is lies. Lies hold everything up, but lies cause problems too. Usually it's just little things. These are minor leaks. But, there are also the more major problems. The information that when it gets out, can destroy friendships, relationships, trust, etc. These are our major leaks. But the main thing is that most of this will get out at some point. Yet people still do it. It might take days, months, or years to get out, but in the end Sally will find out that Bob is cheating, and the people will find out that governments are just as fucked up as we always thought they were. If the information is passed along to anyone besides yourself, it will get out. Secrets are meant to be broken. The truth is meant to be out.

Or Julian Assange could be Jesus. Which, as ridiculous as it sounds, is almost the tiniest bit plausible when you realize how true everything that is being said is.

We're at day 24 of Cablegate. At 0.7% of the way through, things are already falling apart.

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